A one-stop, code-free solution to quickly develop and deploy extremely fast/agile data services for Windows/Unix/Cloud.

Operates as an in-memory ETL (Extract Transform Load) platform but is also able to stream data between selected components (easier than Azure Data Factory).

Intuitive/uncomplicated graphical user interface to create, test, debug and deploy services (extended desktop-friendly).

Production-ready with built-in Jetty web server, or you can single-click to create an equivalent Java web server deployment.

Create, test, debug and deploy across mixed Windows/Unix/Cloud environments.

Manipulate data of unlimited complexity from disparate sources and return results as either XML, JSON or SOAP.

Assemble/disassemble complex data from/to database queries, stored procedures, web services, restful web services and common file formats.

Use HTTP basic authentication or token-based authentication using the built-in OAuth2 server.

Stunning performance due to the ultra-efficient runtime system. If run on Java 21+, it makes use of Virtual Threading for outstanding performance.

The single 16MB binary is used to create services and also to run the services from Windows, Unix or the Cloud.

Any database is supported for which there exists a JDBC driver.

Make SQL calls or create web service clients (SOAP or Open API) with just a few clicks.

All configuration kept in a single file for ease of backup, restore, and service upgrade.

Guaranteed backward configuration compatibility means you can always update to the latest version without issue.

Referencing system makes it easy to locate dependencies (services, constants, data stores, permissions and plugins).

Service import/export promotes collaborative working.

Slurp instances are cluster-ready and can synchronise operation using persistent data stores.

Provides a simple plugin architecture so that bespoke operations can be added.

Test/debug services quickly in any of three ways: either in the GUI, or by using the built-in Jetty web server, or by deployment to a remote Java web server.

Inbound Restful requests do not need to specify any particular HTTP headers, to make calling/testing easier.

Built with the latest, best of breed Open Source components to ensure correct/most efficient execution.

Small code base makes it easier to certify as trustworthy (less than 4MB of bespoke Java classes).

Runs on JRE 1.8 or greater without need of additional Java modules (Jakarta JAXB and JAXWS are built-in).

Fully functional free download, for unlimited users, a licence is only required to run production services.

Slurp Data and Slurp Data Services are trademarks of Active Websites Limited. A company based in Fleet, Hampshire, UK, since 2004.
Companies House registration number 5110432. VAT registration number 860990203.                                                    ©Active Websites Ltd.